Tuesday 15 July 2014

The Team

We finally have our car name - "Mean Machine". It is mean because it is diesel :P. And here is also a picture of the team. There is our dean as well as the Shell Regional Chairman in Oman. Honestly this is the only team picture we have. The guy with the mega beard and black cap is our featherweight driver!

Sunday 13 July 2014

Front Chassis Design

We are almost done with our final chassis design for the region ahead of the bulkhead. This design has been done with our driver who is (172 cm) tall in mind. Our team mate Abdul Aziz who is a pro in modelling and design, modelled the entire chassis on his own along with the steering system. Our chassis is a semi-monocoque carbon fibre chassis.

Shell Supplies

We have purchased 3 Michelin 44-406 prototype tires from Michelin. They are still on the way in shipping. We actually made a mistake while ordering the fuel tank. We ordered a 350 ml fuel tank for our prototype but then later we realized that the limit for the prototype vehicles was 250 ml. So anyway in any case if we do have the 350 ml tank, we could use it for our planned urban concept next year. So yes we would have to purchase another fuel tank now, that is supposed to be 250 ml. We also ordered a electric horn and safety suit (L).

Sponsorship and Marketing

We have a dedicated team responsible for sponsorship and marketing. Their job primarily is to obtain sponsors for our project i.e mainly for our air-tickets to Manilla. We are currently working hard to attain sponsorship from several companies like Volkswagon, Mercedes and other smaller companies. Up till now we have acquired sponsorship from a good Samaritan who offered to sponsor us just for the sake of our project with no advertisement requirements from his side. He offered to sponsor us with about a 1200 riyals. We have also approached Oman Air to sponsor us for our tickets. This is supposed to be gold sponsor so we standby fingers crossed that they accept!

Team name and Logo

We have chosen our team name to be 'TEAM MEGALODON'. It is a name of a gigantic and ferocious pre-historic shark. We have also designed a custom logo for our team. We are even designing t-shirts for our team, that will have logos of our main sponsors.

Competing category

We are now trying to arrange all parts that will be required for the construction of the various systems of the car. We are competing in the Prototype Diesel category.

Final Engine Choice

We are now focusing on acquiring a HATZ 1B20 Diesel engine. We have found a supplier in Muscat itself. They are suppliers of the Hatz Diesel 1B20 enigne. This is a 4.7 Hp engine, that can produce a torque of about 10.5 Nm @ 2500 rpm. We have payed the advance for the engine, but it will take about 5 weeks to get to us in Oman, since it will be manufactured in Germany and then shipped over.